AB278,4,97 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), no person may act as a pet dealer without a
8license from the department. A person shall obtain a license under this paragraph
9for each separate location at which the person conducts business as a pet dealer.
AB278,4,1210 (c) The department may issue an interim permit that authorizes a person to
11operate an animal shelter or kennel or to act as a pet dealer until the department
12makes the initial inspection required under sub. (4) (a).
AB278,4,1413 (d) Licenses issued under pars. (a) and (b) expire on October 31 of each
14even-numbered year.
AB278,4,1515 (e) A license issued under par. (a) or (b) is not transferable.
AB278,4,18 16(3) License fees. The department shall promulgate rules specifying fees that
17must be paid by applicants for licenses under sub. (2). A fee paid under this
18subsection is not refundable if the department denies the license.
AB278,4,21 19(4) Inspections. (a) The department shall inspect each location for which a
20person is required to obtain a license under sub. (2) before issuing the initial license
21and at least once during each biennial licensing period after the initial license period.
AB278,4,2422 (b) In addition to the inspections required under par. (a), the department may
23enter and inspect a facility for which a person is required to obtain a license under
24sub. (2) at any reasonable time.
1(5) Rules. The department may promulgate rules that specify any of the
AB278,5,43 (a) Minimum standards for animal shelter and kennel facilities and facilities
4at which pet dealers operate.
AB278,5,65 (b) Minimum requirements for humane care to be provided by persons required
6to obtain licenses under sub. (2).
AB278,5,87 (c) Requirements relating to the transportation of animals by persons required
8to obtain licenses under sub. (2).
AB278,5,99 (d) Grounds for revocation of licenses issued under sub. (2).
AB278,5,1110 (e) Grounds for the department to issue orders prohibiting a person required
11to be licensed under this section from selling or moving an animal.
AB278,5,1312 (f) Minimum ages for the sale of animals by persons required to be licensed
13under sub. (2).
AB278,5,1514 (g) Reinspection fees to be charged when an inspection by the department
15under this section reveals conditions that require correction and reinspection.
AB278,5,1716 (h) Requirements for record keeping by persons required to be licensed under
17sub. (2).
AB278,5,1918 (i) Requirements relating to space and opportunity for exercise to be provided
19to animals by persons required to be licensed under sub. (2).
AB278,5,22 20(6) Penalties. (a) A person who operates without a license required under sub.
21(2) may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months,
22or both.
AB278,6,223 (b) 1. Except as provided under par. (a), a person who violates this section or
24a rule promulgated under this section may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000

1for the first offense and may be required to forfeit not less than $200 nor more than
2$2000 for the 2nd or any subsequent offense within 5 years.
AB278,6,43 2. If a violation under subd. 1. involves the keeping of animals, each animal
4with respect to which the statute or rule is violated constitutes a separate violation.
AB278, s. 3 5Section 3. 174.001 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB278, s. 4 6Section 4. 174.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,6,117 174.05 (2) Tax. The minimum dog license tax is $3 $5.50 for a neutered male
8dog or spayed female dog, upon presentation of evidence that the dog is neutered or
9spayed, and $8 $10.50 for an unneutered male dog or unspayed female dog, or
10one-half of these amounts if the dog became 5 months of age after July 1 of the license
AB278, s. 5 12Section 5. 174.053 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,6,22 13174.053 Kennel Multiple dog licenses. (1) Kennel Multiple dog license
Any person who keeps or operates a kennel more than one dog may, instead
15of the license tax for each dog required by this chapter, apply to the collecting official
16for a kennel multiple dog license for the keeping or operating of the kennel of the
. Such person shall pay for the license year a license tax of $35 $45.50 for a
18kennel of
12 or fewer dogs and an additional $3 $5.50 for each dog in excess of 12.
19Upon payment of the required kennel multiple dog license tax and upon presentation
20of evidence that all dogs over 5 months of age are currently immunized against
21rabies, the collecting official shall issue the kennel multiple dog license and a number
22of tags equal to the number of dogs authorized to be kept in the kennel by the person.
AB278,7,16 23(2) Kennel Multiple dog license tags. Kennel Multiple dog license tags shall
24be made in a form so that they may be readily distinguishable from the individual
25license tags for the same year. The owner or keeper of a kennel dogs for which a

1multiple dog license has been issued
shall keep at all times a kennel multiple dog
2license tag attached to the collar of each dog over 5 months old kept by the owner or
3keeper under a kennel multiple dog license, but this requirement does not apply to
4a dog during competition or training, to a dog securely confined indoors, to a dog
5while hunting, or to a dog securely confined in a fenced area. These tags may be
6transferred from one dog to another within the kennel whenever any dog is removed
7from the kennel.
An owner or keeper may transfer a multiple dog license tag from
8a dog that the owner or keeper no longer owns or keeps to another dog if the other
9dog is currently immunized against rabies.
The rabies vaccination tag or substitute
10tag shall remain attached to the dog for which it is issued at all times, but this
11requirement does not apply to a dog during competition or training, to a dog securely
12confined indoors, to a dog while hunting, or to a dog securely confined in a fenced
13area. No dog bearing a kennel multiple dog license tag shall be permitted to stray
14or to be taken anywhere outside the limits of the kennel owner's or keeper's premises
15unless the dog is in leash or temporarily out for the purposes of hunting, breeding,
16trial, training, or competition.
AB278,7,19 17(3) Applicability of other requirements. Unless clearly inapplicable, all the
18provisions of this chapter relating to the individual dog license tax, licenses, and tags
19shall apply to the kennel multiple dog license and tags.
AB278, s. 6 20Section 6. 174.06 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,7,2421 174.06 (6) Kennel Multiple dog license records. The listing official shall
22make in triplicate a list of the names of persons owning and operating kennels
23holding multiple dog licenses and the number of dogs kept in each by each of those
AB278, s. 7 25Section 7. 174.06 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
1174.06 (7) List delivery. The listing official shall, by September 15, deliver one
2copy of the list under sub. (5) or (6) to the county clerk, and one copy to the collecting
3official to whom license taxes are paid under s. 174.08, and retain one copy for his
4or her files.
AB278, s. 8 5Section 8. 174.065 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,8,136 174.065 (1) Collecting official. The collecting official is the city, village, or
7town treasurer or other tax collecting officer or a person deputized by the treasurer
8or tax collecting official, unless the common council or village or town board provides
9by ordinance or resolution for the appointment of a different person. Veterinarians
10and humane societies may voluntarily become collecting officials, except that the
11governing body of a city, village, or town may by resolution or ordinance provide that
12veterinarians and humane societies may not be collecting officials for the city, village,
13or town.
AB278, s. 9 14Section 9. 174.07 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,8,2015 174.07 (1) (c) Copies. The collecting official shall keep a duplicate copy of the
16license on file. In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, the collecting
17official shall immediately send to the county clerk or whatever agency the county
18board may direct, a triplicate copy of the license. A collecting official who is not the
19official to whom license taxes are paid under s. 174.08 shall provide a copy of each
20license issued to the official to whom license taxes are paid under s. 174.08.
AB278, s. 10 21Section 10. 174.07 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,8,2322 174.07 (2) (d) The department shall furnish county clerks with suitable kennel
23multiple dog license tags and blank licenses for distribution to the collecting officials.
AB278, s. 11 24Section 11. 174.07 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1174.07 (3) (c) Reimbursement. The collecting official may retain 25 75 cents,
2or a greater amount established by the county board by ordinance or resolution, for
3each license issued as compensation for the service, if not a full-time, salaried
4municipal employee. If the collecting official is a full-time, salaried municipal
5employee this compensation shall be paid into the treasury of the town, village, or
AB278, s. 12 7Section 12. 174.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB278,9,168 174.09 (1) The dog license taxes so paid to the county treasurer shall be kept
9in a separate account and shall be known as the "dog license fund" and shall be
10appropriated and disbursed for the purposes and in the manner following:
11Within 30 days after receipt of the same dog license taxes the county treasurer shall
12pay into the state treasury 5% of the minimum tax as provided for $2 for each license
under s. 174.05 (2) of all dog license taxes which shall have been received by
14the county treasurer
, $10 for each multiple dog license issued under s. 174.053 (1),
15and $2 for each dog in excess of 12 for which a multiple dog license is issued under
16s. 174.053 (1)
AB278, s. 13 17Section 13 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB278,9,2218 (1) Advisory committee. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer
19protection shall appoint a committee under section 227.13 of the statutes to advise
20the department concerning rules required to be promulgated under section 173.40
21of the statutes, as created by this act. The department shall ensure that the members
22of the committee represent a variety of interests related to animals.
AB278,9,2423 (2) Position authorization. The authorized FTE positions for the department
24of agriculture, trade and consumer protection are increased by 7.0 PR positions to be

1funded from the appropriation under section 20.115 (2) (j) of the statutes, as created
2by this act, for the purpose of regulating pet dealers, kennels, and animal shelters.
AB278, s. 14 3Section 14. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
4except as follows:
AB278,10,65 (1) The treatment of sections 20.115 (2) (j) and 173.40 of the statutes takes effect
6on the first day of the 30th month beginning after publication.
AB278,10,77 (End)